Mango Mousse Tart

Mango Mousse Tart

Mangoes are seasonal, but if you get your hands on some ripe ones, this is a great dessert to make. It can be a long process to make this but in the end you can have some yummy and delicious dessert. It mainly consists of two parts you need to make ie. the tart and the mousse and then assemble them. You can design the top with some mango slices to give it a professional and artistic look.

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Mango Mousse Tart

May 23, 2020
: 4
: 2 hr
: 20 min
: Medium

Mouthwatering Mango Dessert


  •  Tart crust: 2
     Mango: 2 (thinly sliced)

  • For Mousse
  •  Whipping cream: 1 cup
     Sugar: 50gm
     Vanilla essence: 1tsp
     Mango pulp: 1cup
  • Step 1 Beat the whipping cream until soft peaks form. (Use chilled bowls and whisks to whip the cream for better results)
  • Step 2 Add in the sugar a teaspoon at a time.
  • Step 3 Next, flavour the whipped cream with vanilla essence (Do not over whisk the cream or it will turn into butter)
  • Step 4 Wash and soak the china grass in water for 5 minutes.
  • Step 5 Boil the china grass in 50 ml water till it dissolves well.
  • Step 6 Add the china grass into the mango pulp and mix well.
  • Step 7 Next, add the whipped cream into the mango puree and gently fold it in.
  • Step 8 Mango mousse is ready !!
  • Step 9 Fill the tart shells with the mango mousse and let it rest for 30 minutes before decorating with the mango slices.
  • Step 10 To decorate the tart: Start by placing thinly sliced mangoes overlapping each other from the outside edge of the tart towards the center. This will give a rose pattern on the top.
  • Step 11 Let the tart chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.